Editing Zone Group Data

Zone group data is divided using three tabs:


General Tab


This is the name that you assign to the zone group. The name must be unique and if a duplicate name is entered, the software will automatically append an integer in order to ensure a unique name.

Zones in Group

This is a tree control with checkboxes that you can use to define which building zones are to be added to the zone group. Only zones that have not already been assigned to other zone groups or plenums are made available for selection.



Tip: You can use the checkboxes at building and block levels as a fast way to select/deselect all of the available zones in the building or block.

Heating and Cooling Priorities Tab

Heating and cooling priorities are used to specify the order in which items of equipment are to be switched on in order to satisfy a heating or cooling load.



Select a value of 1 for highest priority. In the example above the heated floor has priority over the single duct VAV reheat system.


Note: The heating and cooling priorities can only be assigned after equipment has been added to one of the constituent HVAC zones.

Zone Defaults

The settings on the Zone defaults tab can be used to change the default zone settings that will be applied to new zones added to the zone group using the Zones in Group control on the General tab. Refer to the HVAC Zone Data section for information on the specific zone settings.


Important Note: Detailed HVAC does not use the same inheritance mechanism as the building model and once the zone defaults have been applied to constituent zones, the only way to change them is through a specific edit. Making changes on the HVAC Zone Group dialog will not affect the equivalent settings in the HVAC zones associated with that Zone group. It is however possible on the HVAC Zone dialog to make changes to multiple similar zones using the Target tab.